Title: Debugging microservices in Kubernete
Presenter: Sander Rodenhuis
Topics: Kubernetes, debugging, observability, Grafana, Istio
Type of session: Breakout
Time: 14:45-15:30
Debugging microservices on Kubernetes requires you to understand the internal state of your architecture by examining telemetry data, which includes traces, metrics, and logs. In order to make a system observable, it must be instrumented. That is, the code must emit traces, metrics, and logs. The instrumented data must then be sent to an Observability backend. Implementing full observability in Kubernetes requires multiple projects. In this presentation I will share experiences on implementing traceability for microservices in Kubernetes using Istio, Grafana Loki, Grafana Tempo, Prometheus and OpenTelemetry, and demonstrate how observability can be provided as a platform service to developers to increase productivity and reduce cognitive load.