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What is the role of CNCF and Cloud Native in the current IT world and how to navigate in it!

Title: What is the role of CNCF and Cloud Native in the current IT world and how to navigate in it!
Presenter: Orlin Vasilev
Topics: CNCF, Harbor, OSS.
Type of session: Keynote
Time: 13:05-13:50

Where are you in your Cloud Native journey? Just starting or in the middle of your transformation, or …at the edge of madness what have you done?!

Orlin Vasilev a CNCF Ambassador and Community Lead for project Harbor will discuss what is the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s role in the current IT world, the landscape and in particular the Open Source world and how projects benefit from the foundation and what “exactly” means to be Cloud Native.

Join us as we explore the building blocks of the Cloud Native ecosystem, including popular tools like Kubernetes, Prometheus and of course Harbor. Orlin will share practical insights on how these technologies enable organizations to build, deploy, and manage applications in a scalable and resilient manner. Will give ideas how to navigate and find the right tooling for you.

But wait, there’s more! We’ll also discuss real-world challenges of Open Source and Cloud Native practices and how different communities are working on solving them. From cultural shifts to security concerns to sponsoring and exploring the exciting act of contributing.

By the end of the talk, you’ll walk away armed with the knowledge and guidance to embrace Cloud Native technologies in your organization’s digital transformation.